Thor spake:
51. "Thou womanish Harbarth! | here hast thou held me too long."

Harbarth spake:
52. "I thought not ever | that Asathor would be hindered
By a ferryman thus from faring."

Thor spake:
53. "One counsel I bring thee now: | row hither thy boat;
No more of scoffing; | set Magni's father across."

Harbarth spake:
54. "From the sound go hence; | the passage thou hast not."

Thor spake:
55. "The way now show me, since thou takest me not o'er the water."

[52. Asathor: Thor goes by various names in the poems: e.g., Vingthor, Vingnir, Hlorrithi. Asathor means "Thor of the Gods."

53. Magni: Thor's son; cf. stanza 9 and note.]


Þórr kvað:
51. "Hárbarðr inn ragi, heldr hefr þú nú mik dvalðan."

Hárbarðr kvað:
52. "Ása-þórs hugða ek aldregi mundu glepja féhirði farar."

Þórr kvað:
53. "Ráð mun ek þér nú ráða;
ró þú hingat bátinum, hættum hætingi,
hittu föður Magna."

Hárbarðr kvað:
54. "Farðu firr sundi, þér skal fars synja."

Þórr kvað:
55. "Vísa þú mér nú leiðina, alls þú vill mik eigi um váginn ferja."


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