Angantýr said:

26. “Thou little knowest, luckless woman,
what ill thou ’st wrought with reckless speech:
I say but sooth: will this sword become
the slayer of all thy sib and kin.”

Hervor said:

27. “To my ships on shore now shall I hie me:
is the hero’s daughter happy in mind.
Little reck I, ruler of men,
whether my sons will slay each other.”

Angantýr said:

28. “Thou ’lt have it through life and long joy in it;
but keep thou hidden Hiálmar’s-slayer,
nor touch its edges: on the twain is poison.
Is that bitter brand baneful to all.

29. “Farewell, daughter! I would fain give thee
the thews of twelve men if thou ’ldst but heed me—
their lives and strength, the stored-up wealth
which Arngrím’s sons left after them.”

Hervor said:

30. “Shall I hie me hence. Happily may ye—
I long to be gone— live in your howe.
But lately I lingered ’twixt life and death,28
when all about me blazed the fires.”

[28. I.e., the realms of Life and Death.]


Angantýr kvað:

26. "Veizt eigi þú, - vesöl ertu mála,
fláráð kona, - hví þú fagna skalt;
sjá mun Tyrfingr, ef þú trúa mættir,
ætt þinni, mær, allri spilla."

Hervör kvað:

27. "Ek mun ganga til gjálfrmara;
nú er hilmis mær í hugum góðum;
lítt ræki ek þat, lofðunga niðr,
hvé synir mínir síðan deila."

Angantýr kvað:

28. "Þú skalt eiga ok una lengi,
hafðu á hulðu Hjálmars bana;
tak-at-tu á eggjum, eitr er í báðum;
sá er manns mjötuðr meini verri.

29. Far vel, dóttir, fljótt gæfak þér
tolf manna fjör, ef þú trúa mættir,
afl ok eljun, allt it góða,
þat er synir Arngríms at sik leifðu."

Hervör kvað:

30. "Búið ér allir, - brott fýsir mik, -
heilir í haugi, heðan vil ek skjótla;
helzt þóttumk nú heima í millim,
er mik umhverfis eldar brunnu."


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