Hyndla spake:
26. "From Volsung's seed | was the hero sprung,
And Hjordis was born | of Hrauthung's race,
And Eylimi | from the Othlings came,--
And all are thy kinsmen, | Ottar, thou fool!
27. Gunnar and Hogni, | the heirs of Gjuki,
And Guthrun as well, | who their sister was;
But Gotthorm was not | of Gjuki's race,
Although the brother | of both he was:
And all are thy kinsmen, | Ottar, thou fool!
28. Of Hvethna's sons | was Haki the best,
And Hjorvarth the father | of Hvethna was;
. . . . . . . . . .
29. Harald Battle-tooth | of Auth was born,
Hrörek the Ring-giver | her husband was;
Auth the Deep-minded | was Ivar's daughter,
But Rathbarth the father | of Randver was:
And all are thy kinsmen, | Ottar, thou fool!"
Freyja spake:
30. "To my boar now bring | the memory-beer,
So that all thy words, | that well thou hast spoken,
The third morn hence | he may hold in mind,
When their races Ottar | and Angantyr tell."
[26. Volsung: Sigurth's grandfather and Othin's great-grand son. Hjordis: daughter of King Eylimi, wife of Sigmund and mother of Sigurth. Othlings:
cf. stanza 11.
27. Gunnar, Hogni, and Guthrun: the three children of the Burgundian king Gjuki and his wife Grimhild (Kriemhild); Guthrun was Sigurth's wife. Gotthorm,
the third brother, who killed Sigurth at Brynhild's behest, was Grimhild's son, and thus a step-son of Gjuki. These four play an important part in the
heroic cycle of Eddic poems. Cf. Gripisspo, introductory note.
* Stanza 30 is 46 in Bellows translation I have removed the Short Völuspá as it had no belonging in this poem. *
30. Freyja now admits the identity of her boar as Ottar, who {footnote p. 232} with the help of the "memory-beer" is to recall the entire genealogy
he has just heard, and thus win his wager with Angantyr.]


Hyndla kvað:
26. Sá var vísir frá Völsungi
ok Hjördís frá Hrauðungi,
en Fylimi frá Öðlingum;
allt er þat ætt þín, Óttarr heimski.
27. Gunnarr ok Högni, Gjúka arfar,
ok it sama Guðrún, systir þeira;
eigi var Gutþormr Gjúka ættar,
þó var hann bróðir beggja þeira;
allt er þat ætt þín, Óttarr heimski.
28. Haraldr hilditönn borinn Hræreki
slöngvanbauga, sonr var hann Auðar,
Auðr djúpúðga Ívars dóttir,
en Ráðbarðr var Randvers faðir;
þeir váru gumnar goðum signaðir;
allt er þat ætt þín, Óttarr heimski."
-- -- --
Freyja kvað:
29. "Ber þú minnisöl mínum gesti,
svá hann öll muni orð at tína
þessar ræðu á þriðja morgni,
þá er þeir Angantýr ættir rekja."
Hyndla kvað:
30. "Snúðu braut heðan, sofa lystir mik,
fær þú fátt af mér fríðra kosta;
hleypr þú, Óðs vina, úti á náttum,
sem með höfrum Heiðrún fari.