Hyndla spake:
31. "Hence shalt thou fare, | for fain would I sleep,
From me thou gettest | few favors good;
My noble one, out | in the night thou leapest
As Heithrun goes | the goats among
"To Oth didst thou run, | who loved thee ever,
And many under | thy apron have crawled;
My noble one, out | in the night thou leapest,
As Heithrun goes | the goats among."
Freyja spake:
33. "Around the giantess | flames shall I raise,
So that forth unburned | thou mayst not fare."
Hyndla spake:
34. "Flames I see burning, | the earth is on fire,
And each for his life | the price must lose;
Bring then to Ottar | the draught of beer,
Of venom full | for an evil fate."
Freyja spake:
35. "Thine evil words | shall work no ill,
Though, giantess, bitter | thy baleful threats;
A drink full fair | shall Ottar find,
If of all the gods | the favor I get."
[31. Heithrun: the she-goat that stands by Valhall (cf. Grimnismol, 25), the name being here used simply of she-goats in general, in caustic
comment on Freyja's morals. Of these Loki entertained a similar view; cf. Lokasenna, 30.
32. Oth: cf. stanza 6 and note, and Voluspo, 25 and note. Lines 3-4, abbreviated in the manuscript, are very likely repeated here by mistake.
33. The manuscript repeats once again lines 3-4 of stanza 47 as the last two lines of this stanza. It seems probable that two lines have been lost,
to the effect that Freyja will burn the giantess alive "If swiftly now | thou dost not seek, / And hither bring | the memory-beer."]


Hyndla kvað:
31. Rannt at Óði ey þreyjandi,
skutusk þér fleiri und fyrirskyrtu;
hleypr þú, Óðs vina, úti á náttum,
sem með höfrum Heiðrún fari."
Freyja kvað:
32. "Ek slæ eldi of íviðju,
svá at þú eigi kemsk á braut heðan."
Hyndla kvað:
33. Hyr sé ek brenna, en hauðr loga,
verða flestir fjörlausn þola;
ber þú Óttari bjór at hendi
eitri blandinn mjök, illu heilli."
Freyja kvað:
34. "Orðheill þín skal engu ráða,
þóttú, brúðr jötuns, bölvi heitir;
hann skal drekka dýrar veigar;
bið ek Óttari öll goð duga."