11. Soon in the midst | of the room she sat,
By her side there sat | the son of the house;
They whispered both, | and the bed made ready,
Thræll and Thir, | till the day was through.
12. Children they had, | they lived and were happy,
Fjosnir and Klur | they were called, methinks,
Hreim and Kleggi, | Kefsir, Fulnir,
Drumb, Digraldi, | Drott and Leggjaldi,
Lut and Hosvir; | the house they cared for,
Ground they dunged, | and swine they guarded,
Goats they tended, | and turf they dug.
13. Daughters had they, | Drumba and Kumba,
Ökkvinkalfa, | Arinnefla,
Ysja and Ambott, | Eikintjasna,
Totrughypja | and Tronubeina;
And thence has risen | the race of thralls.
14. Forward went Rig, | his road was straight,
To a hall he came, | and a door there hung;
In did he fare, | on the floor was a fire:
Afi and Amma | owned the house.
15. There sat the twain, | and worked at their tasks:
The man hewed wood | for the weaver's beam;
His beard was trimmed, | o'er his brow a curl,
His clothes fitted close; | in the corner a chest.
[12. There is some confusion as to the arrangement of th lines and division into stanzas of 12 and 13. The names mean: Fjosnir, "Cattle-Man"; Klur,
"The Coarse"; Hreim, "The Shouter"; Kleggi, "The Horse-Fly"; Kefsir, "Concubine-Keeper"; Fulnir, "The Stinking"; Drumb, "The Log"; Digraldi, "The Fat";
Drott, "The Sluggard"; Leggjaldi, "The Big-Legged"; Lut, "The Bent"; Hosvir, "The Grey."
13. The names mean: Drumba, "The Log"; Kumba, "The Stumpy"; Ökkvinkalfa, "Fat-Legged"; Arinnefla, "Homely Nosed"; Ysja, "The Noisy"; Ambott, "The Servant";
Eikintjasna, "The Oaken Peg" (?); Totrughypja, "Clothed in Rags"; Tronubeina, "Crane-Legged."
14. In the manuscript line 4 stands after line 4 of stanza 16, but several editors have rearranged the lines, as here. Afi and Amma: Grandfather and Grandmother.
15. There is considerable confusion among the editors as to where this stanza begins and ends.]


11. Miðra fletja meir settisk hon;
sat hjá henni sonr húss;
ræddu ok rýndu, rekkju gerðu
Þræll ok Þír þrungin dægr.
12. Börn ólu þau,
- bjuggu ok unðu, -
hygg ek at héti Hreimr ok Fjósnir,
Klúrr ok Kleggi, Kefsir, Fúlnir,
Drumbr, Digraldi, Dröttr ok Hösvir.
Lútr ok Leggjaldi;
lögðu garða, akra töddu,
unnu at svínum, geita gættu,
grófu torf.
13. Dætr váru þær Drumba ok Kumba,
Ökkvinkalfa ok Arinnefja,
Ysja ok Ambátt, Eikintjasna,
Tötrughypja ok Trönubeina.
Þaðan eru komnar þræla ættir.
14. Gekk Rígr at þat réttar brautir,
kom hann at höllu, hurð var á skíði,
inn nam at ganga, eldr var á golfi,
hjón sátu þar, heldu á sýslu.
15. Maðr teglði þar meið til rifjar;
var skegg skapat, skör var fyrir enni,
skyrtu þröngva, skokkr var á golfi.