21. A son bore Amma, | with water they sprinkled him,
Karl they named him; | in a cloth she wrapped him,
He was ruddy of face, | and flashing his eyes.
22. He began to grow, | and to gain in strength,
Oxen he ruled, | and plows made ready,
Houses he built, | and barns he fashioned,
Carts he made, | and the plow he managed.
23. Home did they bring | the bride for Karl,
In goatskins clad, | and keys she bore;
Snör was her name, | 'neath the veil she sat;
A home they made ready, | and rings exchanged,
The bed they decked, | and a dwelling made.
24. Sons they had, | they lived and were happy:
Hal and Dreng, | Holth, Thegn and Smith,
Breith and Bondi, | Bundinskeggi,
Bui and Boddi, | Brattskegg and Segg.
25. Daughters they had, | and their names are here:
Snot, Bruth, Svanni, | Svarri, Sprakki,
Fljoth, Sprund and Vif, | Feima, Ristil:
And thence has risen | the yeomen's race.
[21. Most editors assume a lacuna, after either line 2 or line 3. Sijmons assumes, on the analogy of stanza 8, that a complete stanza describing
Karl ("Yeoman") has been lost between stanzas 21 and 22.
22. No line Indicated in the manuscript as beginning a stanza. Cart: the word in the original, "kartr," is one of the clear signs of the Celtic
influence noted in the introduction.
23. Bring: the word literally means "drove in a wagon"--a mark of the bride's social status. Snör: "Daughter-in-Law." Bugge, followed by several
editors, maintains that line 4 was wrongly interpolated here from a missing stanza describing the marriage of Kon.
24. No line indicated in the manuscript as beginning a stanza. The names mean: Hal, "Man"; Dreng, "The Strong"; Holth, "The Holder of Land"; Thegn,
"Freeman"; Smith, "Craftsman"; Breith, "The Broad-Shouldered"; Bondi, "Yeoman"; Bundinskeggi, "With Beard Bound" (i.e., not allowed to hang unkempt);
Bui, "Dwelling-Owner"; Boddi, "Farm-Holder"; Brattskegg, "With Beard Carried High"; Segg, "Man."
25. No line indicated in the manuscript as beginning a stanza. The names mean: Snot, "Worthy Woman"; Bruth, "Bride"; Svanni, "The Slender"; Svarri,
"The Proud"; Sprakki, "The Fair"; Fljoth, "Woman" (?); Sprund, "The Proud"; Vif, "Wife"; Feima, "The Bashful"; Ristil, "The Graceful."]


21. Jóð ól Amma jósu vatni,
kölluðu Karl, kona sveip rifti,
rauðan ok rjóðan, riðuðu augu.
22. Hann nam at vaxa ok vel dafna,
öxn nam at temja, arðr at gerva,
hús at timbra ok hlöður smíða,
karta at gerva ok keyra plóg.
23. Heim óku þá hanginluklu,
geitakyrtlu, giftu Karli;
Snör heitir sú, settisk und rifti;
bjuggu hjón, bauga deildu,
breiddu blæjur ok bú gerðu.
24. Börn ólu þau, - bjuggu ok unðu, -
hét Halr ok Drengr, Hölðr, Þegn ok Smiðr,
Breiðr, Bóndi, Bundinskeggi,
Búi ok Boddi, Brattskeggr ok Seggr.
25. Enn hétu svá öðrum nöfnum,
Snót, Brúðr, Svanni, Svarri, Sprakki,
Fljóð, Sprund ok Víf, Feima, Ristill.
Þaðan eru komnar karla ættir.