41. Her hand they sought, | and home they brought her,
Wedded to Jarl | the veil she wore;
Together they dwelt, | their joy was great,
Children they had, | and happy they lived.
42. Bur was the eldest, | and Barn the next,
Joth and Athal, | Arfi, Mog,
Nith and Svein, | soon they began-
Sun and Nithjung-- | to play and swim;
Kund was one, | and the youngest Kon.
43. Soon grew up | the sons of Jarl,
Beasts they tamed, | and bucklers rounded,
Shafts they fashioned, | and spears they shook.
44. But Kon the Young | learned runes to use,
Runes everlasting, | the runes of life;
Soon could he well | the warriors shield,
Dull the swordblade, | and still the seas.
45. Bird-chatter learned he, | flames could he lessen.,
Minds could quiet, | and sorrows calm;
. . . . . . . . . .
The might and strength | of twice four men.
[42. The names mean: Bur, "Son"; Barn, "Child"; Joth, "Child"; Athal, "Offspring"; Arfi, "Heir"; Mog, "Son"; Nith, "Descendant"; Svein, "Boy";
Sun, "Son"; Nithjung, "Descend ant"; Kund, "Kinsman"; Kon, "Son" (of noble birth). Concerning the use made of this last name, see note on stanza 44.
It is curious that there is no list of the daughters of Jarl and Erna, and accordingly Vigfusson inserts here the names listed in stanza 25. Grundtvig
rearranges the lines of stanzas 42 and 43.
44. The manuscript indicates no line as beginning a stanza. Kon the Young: a remarkable bit of fanciful etymology; the {footnote p. 215} phrase is
"Konr ungr," which could readily be contracted into "Konungr," the regular word meaning "king." The "kon" part is actually not far out, but the second
syllable of "konungr" has nothing to do with "ungr" meaning "young." Runes: a long list of just such magic charms, dulling swordblades, quenching flames,
and so on, is given in Hovamol, 147-163.
45. The manuscript indicates no line as beginning a stanza. Minds: possibly "seas,"' the word being doubtful. Most editors assume the gap as indicated.]


41. Burr var inn ellsti, en Barn annat,
Jóđ ok Ađal, Arfi, Mögr,
Niđr ok Niđjungr, - námu leika, -
Sonr ok Sveinn, - sund ok tafl, -
Kundr hét enn, Konr var inn yngsti
42. Upp óxu ţar Jarli bornir,
hesta tömđu, hlífar bendu,
skeyti skófu, skelfđu aska.
43. En Konr ungr kunni rúnar,
ćvinrúnar ok aldrrúnar;
meir kunni hann mönnum bjarga,
eggjar deyfa, ćgi lćgja.
44. Klök nam fugla, kyrra elda,
sefa of svefja, sorgir lćgja,
afl ok eljun átta manna.
45. Hann viđ Ríg jarl rúnar deildi,
brögđum beitti ok betr kunni;
ţá öđlađisk ok ţá eiga gat
Rígr at heita, rúnar kunna.