56. "Guthrun a noble | husband thou givest,
Yet to many a warrior | woe will she bring,
Not happily wedded | she holds herself;
Her shall Atli | hither seek,
(Buthli's son, | and brother of mine.)
57. "Well I remember | how me ye treated
When ye betrayed me | with treacherous wiles;
Lost was my joy | as long as I lived.
58. "Oddrun as wife | thou fain wouldst win,
But Atli this | from thee withholds;
Yet in secret tryst | ye twain shall love;
She shall hold thee dear, | as I had done
If kindly fate | to us had fallen.
59. "Ill to thee | shall Atli bring,
When he casts thee down | in the den of snakes.
60. "But soon thereafter | Atli too
His life, methinks, | as thou shalt lose,
(His fortune lose | and the lives of his sons;)
Him shall Guthrun, | grim of heart,
With the biting blade | in his bed destroy.
[56. Line 2 in the original is almost totally obscure. Line 4 should very possibly precede line 2, while line 5 looks like an unwarranted addition.
57. This stanza probably ought to follow stanza 53, as it refers solely to) the winning of Brynhild by Gunnar and Sigurth. Müllenhoff regards stanzas
54-56 as interpolated. The manuscript indicates no gap after line 3."
58. Stanzas 58-59 seem to be the remains of two stanzas, but the Volsungasaga paraphrase follows closely the form here given. Line 3 may well be spurious;
line 5 has likewise been questioned. Oddrun: this sister of Atli and Brynhild, known mainly through the Oddrunargratr, is a purely northern addition to the
cycle, and apparently one of a relatively late date. She figures solely by reason of her love affair with Gunnar.
59. Possibly two lines have been lost; many editions combine the two remaining lines with lines 1-3 of stanza 60. Concerning the manner of Gunnar's
death cf. Drap Niflunga.
60. Line 3 may well be spurious, as it is largely repetition. The manuscript has "sofa" ("sleep") in place of "sona" ("sons"), but the Volsungasaga
paraphrase says clearly "sons." The slaying of Atli by Guthrun in revenge for his killing of her brothers is told in the two Atli lays. The manuscript
marks line 4 as the beginning of a new stanza, and some editions make a separate stanza out of lines 4-5, or else combine them with stanza 61.]


56. Gefa muntu Guðrúnu góðra nökkurum
skeyti skæða skatna mengi;
mun-at at vilja versæl gefin;
hana mun Atli eiga ganga,
of borinn Buðla, bróðir minn.
57. Margs á ek minnask, hvé við mik fóru,
þá er mik sára svikna höfðuð,
vaðin at vilja vark, meðan ek lifðak.
58. Muntu Oddrúnu eiga vilja,
en þik Atli mun eigi láta;
it munuð lúta á laun saman,
hon mun þér unna sem ek skyldak,
ef okkr góð of sköp gerði verða.
59. Þik mun Atli illu beita,
muntu í öngan ormgarð lagiðr.
60. Þat mun ok verða þvígit lengra,
at Atli mun öndu týna,
sælu sinni, ok sona lífi,
því at hánum Guðrún grýmir á beð
snörpum eggjum af sárum hug.