31. Like unto wolves all those seem who have a faithless mind: so he will prove who has to go through ways strewed with gleeds.

32. Friendly counsels, and wisely composed, seven I have imparted to thee: consider thou them well, and forget them never: they are all useful to learn.


33. Of that I will speak, how happy I was in the world, and secondly, how the sons of men reluctantly become corpses.

34. Pleasure and pride deceive the sons of men who after money crave; shining riches at last become a sorrow : many have riches driven to madness.

35. Steeped in joys I seemed to men; for little did I see before me: our worldly sojourn has the Lord created in delights abounding.


31. Úlfum glíkir þykkja allir þeir, sem eiga hverfan hug;
svá mun gefask, þeim er ganga skal þær inar glæddu götur.

32. Vinsamlig ráð ok viti bundin kenni ek þér sjau saman;
görla þau mun ok glata aldregi, öll eru þau nýt at nema.


33. Frá því er at segja, hvé sæll ek var ynðisheimi í,
ok hinu öðru, hvé ýta synir verða nauðgir at náum.

34. Vil ok dul tælir virða sonu, þá er fíkjask á fé;
ljósir aurar verða at löngum trega; margan hefir auðr apat.

35. Glaðr at mörgu þótta ek gumnum vera,
því at ek vissa fátt fyrir;
dvalarheim hefr dróttinn skapat munafullan mjök.


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