1. Hearing I ask | from the holy races,
From Heimdall's sons, | both high and low;
Thou wilt, Valfather, | that well I relate
Old tales I remember | of men long ago.
2. I remember yet | the giants of yore,
Who gave me bread | in the days gone by;
Nine worlds I knew, | the nine in the tree
With mighty roots | beneath the mold.
3. Of old was the age | when Ymir lived;
Sea nor cool waves | nor sand there were;
Earth had not been, | nor heaven above,
But a yawning gap, | and grass nowhere.
4. Then Bur's sons lifted | the level land,
Mithgarth the mighty | there they made;
The sun from the south | warmed the stones of earth,
And green was the ground | with growing leeks.
5. The sun, the sister | of the moon, from the south
Her right hand cast | over heaven's rim;
No knowledge she had | where her home should be,
The moon knew not | what might was his,
The stars knew not | where their stations were.
[1. A few editors, following Bugge, in an effort to clarify the poem,
place stanzas 22, 28 and 30 before stanzas 1-20, but the arrangement in
both manuscripts, followed here, seems logical. In stanza I the Volva,
or wise-woman, called upon by Othin, answers him and demands a hearing.
Evidently she be longs to the race of the giants (cf. stanza 2), and thus
speaks to Othin unwillingly, being compelled to do so by his magic power.
Holy: omitted in Regius; the phrase "holy races" probably means little
more than mankind in general. Heimdall: the watchman of the gods; cf.
stanza 46 and note. Why mankind should be referred to as Heimdall's sons
is uncertain, and the phrase has caused much perplexity. Heimdall seems
to have had various at tributes, and in the Rigsthula, wherein a certain
Rig appears as the ancestor of the three great classes of men, a fourteenth
century annotator identifies Rig with Heimdall, on what authority we do not
know, for the Rig of the poem seems much more like Othin (cf. Rigsthula,
introductory prose and note). Valfather ("Father of the Slain"): Othin,
chief of the gods, so called because the slain warriors were brought to him
at Valhall ("Hall of the Slain") by the Valkyries ("Choosers of the Slain").
2. Nine worlds: the worlds of the gods (Asgarth), of the Wanes (Vanaheim, cf.
stanza 21 and note), of the elves (Alfheim), of men (Mithgarth), of the giants
(Jotunheim), of fire (Muspellsheim, cf. stanza 47 and note), of the dark elves
(Svartalfaheim), of the dead (Niflheim), and presumably of the dwarfs (perhaps
Nithavellir, cf. stanza 37 and note, but the ninth world is uncertain). The
tree: the world-ash Yggdrasil, {footnote p. 4} symbolizing the universe; cf.
Grimnismol, 29-35 and notes, wherein Yggdrasil is described at length.
3. Ymir: the giant out of whose body the gods made the world; cf.
Vafthruthnismol, 21. in this stanza as quoted in Snorri's Edda the first
line runs: "Of old was the age ere aught there was." Yawning gap: this phrase,
"Ginnunga-gap," is sometimes used as a proper name.
4. Bur's sons: Othin, Vili, and Ve. Of Bur we know only that his wife was Bestla,
daughter of Bolthorn; cf. Hovamol, 141. Vili and Ve are mentioned by name in the
Eddic poems only in Lokasenna, 26. Mithgarth ("Middle Dwelling"): the world of men.
Leeks: the leek was often used as the symbol of fine growth (cf. Guthrunarkvitha
I, 17), and it was also supposed to have magic power (cf. Sigrdrifumol, 7).
5. Various editors have regarded this stanza as interpolated; Hoffory thinks it describes
the northern summer night in which the sun does not set. Lines 3-5 are quoted by Snorri.
In the manuscripts line 4 follows line 5. Regarding the sun and moon {footnote p. 5} as
daughter and son of Mundilferi, cf. Vafthruthnismol, 23 and note, and Grimnismol, 37 and


1. Hljóðs bið ek allar helgar kindir,
meiri ok minni mögu Heimdallar;
viltu, at ek, Valföðr! vel framtelja forn spjöll fíra,
þau er fremst um man.
2. Ek man jötna ár um borna,
þá er forðum mik fœdda höfðu;
níu man ek heima, níu íviði,
mjötvið mœran fyr mold neðan.
3. Ár var alda þar er Ýmir bygði,
vara sandr né sær né svalar unnir,
jörð fannsk æva né upphiminn,
gap var ginnunga, en gras hvergi.
4. Áðr Burs synir bjöðum um ypðu,
þeir er Miðgarð mœran skópu;
sól skein sunnan á salar steina,
þá var grund gróin grœnum lauki.
5. Sól varp sunnan, sinni mána,
hendi inni hœgri um himinjódyr;
sól þat ne vissi hvar hon sali átti,
máni þat ne vissi hvat hann megins átti,
stjörnur þat ne vissu hvar þær staði áttu.