26. In swelling rage | then rose up Thor,--
Seldom he sits | when he such things hears,--
And the oaths were broken, | the words and bonds,
The mighty pledges | between them made.
27. I know of the horn | of Heimdall, hidden
Under the high-reaching | holy tree;
On it there pours | from Valfather's pledge
A mighty stream: | would you know yet more?
28. Alone I sat | when the Old One sought me,
The terror of gods, | and gazed in mine eyes:
"What hast thou to ask? | why comest thou hither?
Othin, I know | where thine eye is hidden."
I know where Othin's | eye is hidden,
Deep in the wide-famed | well of Mimir;
Mead from the pledge | of Othin each mom
Does Mimir drink: | would you know yet more?
29. Necklaces had I | and rings from Heerfather,
Wise was my speech | and my magic wisdom;
. . . . . . . . . .
Widely I saw | over all the worlds.
30. On all sides saw I | Valkyries assemble,
Ready to ride | to the ranks of the gods;
Skuld bore the shield, | and Skogul rode next,
Guth, Hild, Gondul, | and Geirskogul.
Of Herjan's maidens | the list have ye heard,
Valkyries ready | to ride o'er the earth.
[26. Thor: the thunder-god, son of Othin and Jorth (Earth) cf. particularly
Harbarthsljoth and Thrymskvitha, passim. Oaths, etc.: the gods, by violating
their oaths to the giant who rebuilt Asgarth, aroused the undying hatred of
the giants' race, and thus the giants were among their enemies in the final
27. Here the Volva turns from her memories of the past to a statement of some of
Othin's own secrets in his eternal search for knowledge (stanzas 27-29). Bugge
puts this stanza after stanza 29. The horn of Heimdall: the Gjallarhorn
("Shrieking Horn"), with which Heimdall, watchman of the gods, will summon them to
the last battle. Till that time the horn is buried under Yggdrasil. Valfather's
pledge: Othin's eye (the sun?), which he gave to the water-spirit Mimir (or Mim)
in exchange for the latter's wisdom. It appears here and in stanza 29 as a
drinking-vessel, from which Mimir drinks the magic mead, and from which he pours water
on the ash Yggdrasil. Othin's sacrifice of his eye in order to gain knowledge of his
final doom is one of the series of disasters leading up to the destruction of the gods.
There were several differing versions of the story of Othin's relations with Mimir;
another one, quite incompatible with this, appears in stanza 47. In the manuscripts I
know and I see appear as "she knows" and "she sees" (cf. note on 21).
[28. The Hauksbok version omits all of stanzas 28-34, stanza 27 being there followed by
stanzas 40 and 41. Regius indicates stanzas 28 and 29 as a single stanza. Bugge puts
stanza 28 after stanza 22, as the second stanza of his reconstructed poem. The Volva here
addresses Othin directly, intimating that, although he has not told her, she knows why he
has come to her, and what he has already suffered in his search for knowledge regarding
his doom. Her reiterated "would you know yet more?" seems to mean: "I have proved my wisdom
by telling of the past and of your own secrets; is it your will that I tell likewise of the
fate in store for you?" The Old One: Othin. The line "I know where Othin's | eye is hidden",
not in either manuscript, is a conjectural emendation based on Snorri's paraphrase. Bugge
puts this stanza after stanza 20.
29. This is apparently the transitional stanza, in which the Volva, rewarded by Othin for her
knowledge of the past (stanzas 1-29), is induced to proceed with her real prophecy (stanzas 31-66).
Some editors turn the stanza into the third person, making it a narrative link. Bugge, on the other
hand, puts it {footnote p. 14} after stanza 28 as the third stanza of the poem. No lacuna is indicated
in the manuscripts, and editors have attempted various emendations. Heerfather ("Father of the Host"):
30. Valkyries: these "Choosers of the Slain" (cf. stanza I, note) bring the bravest warriors killed in
battle to Valhall, in order to re-enforce the gods for their final struggle. They are also called
"Wish-Maidens," as the fulfillers of Othin's wishes. The conception of the supernatural warrior-maiden
was presumably brought to Scandinavia in very early times from the South-Germanic races, and later it
was interwoven with the likewise South-Germanic tradition of the swan-maiden. A third complication
developed when the originally quite human women of the hero-legends were endowed with the qualities of
both Valkyries and swan-maidens, as in the cases of Brynhild (cf. Gripisspo, introductory note), Svava
(cf. Helgakvitha Hjorvarthssonar, prose after stanza 5 and note) and Sigrun (cf. Helgakvitha
Hundingsbana I, 17 and note). The list of names here given may be an interpolation; a quite different list
is given in Grimnismol, 36. Ranks of the gods: some editors regard the word thus translated as a specific
place name. Herjan ("Leader of Hosts"): Othin. It is worth noting that the name Hild ("Warrior") is the
basis of Bryn-hild ("Warrior in Mail Coat").]


26. Ţórr einn ţar vá ţrunginn móđi,
hann sjaldan sitr er hann slíkt um fregn;
á gengust eiđar, orđ ok sœri,
mál öll meginlig er á međal fóru.
27. Veit hon Heimdallar hljóđ um fólgit
undir heiđvönum helgum bađmi;
á sér hon ausask aurgum forsi
af veđi Valföđrs. Vituđ ér enn eđa hvat?´
28. Ein sat hon úti, ţá er inn aldni kom
yggjungr ása ok í augu leit. Hvers fregniđ mik?
Hví freistiđ mín? Allt veit ek,
Óđinn, hvar ţú auga falt, í inum mćra Mímisbrunni.
Drekkr mjöđ Mímir morgun hverjan af veđi Valföđrs.
Vituđ ér enn - eđa hvat?
29. Valđi henni Herföđr hringa ok men,
fekk spjöll spaklig ok spá ganda,
sá hon vítt ok of vítt of veröld hverja.
30. Sá hon valkyrjur vítt of komnar,
görvar at ríđa til Gođţjóđar; Skuld helt skildi,
en Skögul önnur, Gunnr, Hildr, Göndul ok Geirskögul.
Nú eru talđar nönnur Herjans, görvar at ríđa
grund valkyrjur.