31. I saw for Baldr, | the bleeding god,
The son of Othin, | his destiny set:
Famous and fair | in the lofty fields,
Full grown in strength | the mistletoe stood.
32. From the branch which seemed | so slender and fair
Came a harmful shaft | that Hoth should hurl;
But the brother of Baldr | was born ere long,
And one night old | fought Othin's son.
33. His hands he washed not, | his hair he combed not,
Till he bore to the bale-blaze | Baldr's foe.
But in Fensalir | did Frigg weep sore
For Valhall's need: | would you know yet more?
34. Then did Váli slaughter bonds twist:
made farily grim were those fetters of guts.
35. One did I see | in the wet woods bound,
A lover of ill, | and to Loki like;
By his side does Sigyn | sit, nor is glad
To see her mate: | would you know yet more?
[32. Baldr: The death of Baldr, the son of Othin and Frigg, was the first
of the great disasters to the gods. The story is fully told by Snorri. Frigg
had demanded of all created things, saving only the mistletoe, which she
thought too weak to be worth troubling {footnote p. 15} about, an oath that
they would not harm Baldr. Thus it came to he a sport for the gods to hurl weapons
at Baldr, who, of course, was totally unharmed thereby. Loki, the trouble-maker,
brought the mistletoe to Baldr's blind brother, Hoth, and guided his hand in hurling
the twig. Baldr was slain, and grief came upon all the gods. Cf. Baldrs Draumar.
The lines in this and the following stanza have been combined in various ways by
editors, lacunae having been freely conjectured, but the manuscript version seems clear
enough. The brother of Baldr: Vali, whom Othin begot expressly to avenge Baldr's death.
The day after his birth he fought and slew Hoth.
33. Frigg: Othin's wife. Some scholars have regarded her as a solar myth, calling her
the sun-goddess, and pointing out that her home in Fensalir ("the sea-halls") symbolizes
the daily setting of the sun beneath the ocean horizon.
35. The translation here follows the Regius version. The Hauksbok has the same final two lines, but
in place of the first {footnote p. 16} pair has, "I know that Vali | his brother gnawed, / With his
bowels then | was Loki bound." Many editors have followed this version of the whole stanza or have
included these two lines, often marking them as doubtful, with the four from Regius. After the murder
of Baldr, the gods took Loki and bound him to a rock with the bowels of his son Narfi, who had just
been torn to pieces by Loki's other son, Vali. A serpent was fastened above Loki's head, and the venom
fell upon his face. Loki's wife, Sigyn, sat by him with a basin to catch the venom, but whenever the
basin was full, and she went away to empty it, then the venom fell on Loki again, till the earth shook
with his struggles. "And there he lies bound till the end." Cf. Lokasenna, concluding prose.]


31. Ek sá Baldri, blóđgum tívur,
Óđins barni, örlög folgin;
stóđ of vaxinn völlum hćri
mjór ok mjök fagr mistilteinn.
32. Varđ af ţeim meiđi, er mćr sýndisk,
harmflaug hćttlig, Höđr nam skjóta;
Baldrs bróđir var of borinn snemma,
sá nam Óđins sonr einnćttr vega.
33. Ţó hann ćva hendr né höfuđ kembđi,
áđr á bál of bar Baldrs andskota;
en Frigg of grét í Fensölum
vá Valhallar. Vituđ ér enn - eđa hvat?
34. Ţá kná Váli vígbönd snúa,
heldr váru harđgör höft ór ţörmum.
35. Haft sá hon liggja und Hveralundi,
lćgjarns líki Loka áţekkjan;
ţar sitr Sigyn ţeygi of sínum
ver vel glýjuđ. Vituđ ér enn - eđa hvat?