61. I saw those men who much envy harbour at another's fortune; bloody runes were on their breasts graved painfully.

62. I there saw men many not joyful; they were all wandering wild: this he earns, who by this world's vices is infatuated.

63. I saw those men who had in various ways acquired other's property: in shoals they went to Castle- covetous, and burthens bore of lead.

64. I saw those men who many had of life and property bereft: through the breasts of those men passed strong venomous serpents.

65. I saw those men who the holy days would not observe: their hands were on hot stones firmly nailed.


61. Menn sá ek ţá, er mjök ala öfund um annars hagi;
blóđgar rúnar váru á brjósti ţeim merkđar meinliga.

62. Menn sá ek ţar marga ófegna, ţeir váru villir vega;
ţat kaupir sá, er ţessa heims apask at óheillum.

63. Menn sá ek ţá, er mörgum hlutum véltu um annars eign;
flokkum ţeir fóru til Fégjarnsborgar ok höfđu byrđar af blýi.

64. Menn sá ek ţá, er margan höfđu fé ok fjörvi rćnt;
brjóst í gegnum renndu brögnum ţeim öflgir eitrdrekar.

65. Menn sá ek ţá, er minnst vildu halda helga daga;
hendr ţeira váru á heitum steinum negldar nauđliga.


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