36. From the east there pours | through poisoned vales
With swords and daggers | the river Slith.
37. Northward a hall | in Nithavellir
Of gold there rose | for Sindri's race;
And in Okolnir | another stood,
Where the giant Brimir | his beer-hall had.
38. A hall I saw, | far from the sun,
On Nastrond it stands, | and the doors face north,
Venom drops | through the smoke-vent down,
For around the walls | do serpents wind.
39. I saw there wading | through rivers wild
Treacherous men | and murderers too,
And workers of ill | with the wives of men;
There Nithhogg sucked | the blood of the slain,
And the wolf tore men; | would you know yet more?
40. The giantess old | in Ironwood sat,
In the east, and bore | the brood of Fenrir;
Among these one | in monster's guise
Was soon to steal | the sun from the sky.
[36. Stanzas 36-39 describe the homes of the enemies of the gods:
the giants (36), the dwarfs (37), and the dead in the land of the
goddess Hel (38-39). The Hauksbok version omits stanzas 36 and 37.
Regius unites 36 with 37, but most editors have assumed a lacuna.
Slith ("the Fearful"): a river in the giants' home. The "swords and
daggers" may represent the icy cold.
37. Nithavellir ("the Dark Fields"): a home of the dwarfs. Perhaps the
word should be "Nithafjoll" ("the Dark Crags"). Sindri: the great worker
in gold among the dwarfs. Okolnir {footnote p. 17} ("the Not Cold"):
possibly a volcano. Brimir: the giant (possibly Ymir) out of whose blood,
according to stanza 9, the dwarfs were made; the name here appears to mean
simply the leader of the dwarfs.
38. Stanzas 38 and 39 follow stanza 43 in the Hauksbok version. Snorri quotes
stanzas 39, 39, 40 and 41, though not consecutively. Nastrond ("Corpse-Strand"):
the land of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hel. Here the wicked undergo tortures.
Smoke vent: the phrase gives a picture of the Icelandic house, with its opening in
the roof serving instead of a chimney.
39. The stanza is almost certainly in corrupt form. The third line is presumably an
interpolation, and is lacking in most of the late, paper manuscripts. Some editors,
however, have called lines 1-3 the remains of a full. stanza, with the fourth line
lacking, and lines 4-5 the remains of another. The stanza depicts the torments of the
two worst classes of criminals known to Old Norse morality--oath-breakers and murderers.
Nithhogg ("the Dread Biter"): the dragon that lies beneath the ash Yggdrasil and gnaws at
its roots, thus symbolizing the destructive elements in the universe; cf. Grimnismol, 32,
35. The wolf: presumably the wolf Fenrir, one of the children of Loki and the giantess
Angrbotha (the others being Mithgarthsorm and the goddess Hel), who was chained by the gods
with the marvelous chain Gleipnir, fashioned by a dwarf "out of six things: the {footnote p.
18} noise of a cat's step, the beards of women, the roots of mountains, the nerves of bears,
the breath of fishes, and the spittle of birds." The chaining of Fenrir cost the god Tyr his
right hand; cf. stanza 44.
40. The Hauksbok version inserts after stanza 39 the refrain stanza (44), and puts stanzas
40 and 41 between 27 and 21. With this stanza begins the account of the final struggle itself.
The giantess: her name is nowhere stated, and the only other reference to Ironwood is in
Grimnismol, 39, in this same connection. The children of this giantess and the wolf Fenrir are
the wolves Skoll and Hati, the first of whom steals the sun, the second the moon. Some scholars
naturally see here an eclipse myth.


36. Á fellur austan um eitrdala
söxum ok sverđum, Slíđr heitir sú.
37. Stóđ fyr norđan á Niđavöllum
salr ór gulli Sindra ćttar;
en annarr stóđ á Ókólni
bjórsalr jötuns, en sá Brimir heitir.
38. Sal sá hon standa sólu fjarri
Náströndu á, norđr horfa dyrr;
falla eitrdropar inn um ljóra,
sá er undinn salr orma hryggjum.
39. Sá hon ţar vađa ţunga strauma
menn meinsvara ok morđvarga
ok ţann er annars glepr eyrarúnu;
ţar saug Niđhöggr nái framgengna,
sleit vargr vera. Vituđ ér enn - eđa hvat?
40. Austr sat in aldna í Járnviđi
ok fćddi ţar Fenris kindir;
verđr af ţeim öllum einna nokkurr
tungls tjúgari í trölls hami.