41. There feeds he full | on the flesh of the dead,
And the home of the gods | he reddens with gore;
Dark grows the sun, | and in summer soon
Come mighty storms: | would you know yet more?
42. On a hill there sat, | and smote on his harp,
Eggther the joyous, | the giants' warder;
Above him the cock | in the bird-wood crowed,
Fair and red | did Fjalar stand.
43. Then to the gods | crowed Gollinkambi,
He wakes the heroes | in Othin's hall;
And beneath the earth | does another crow,
The rust-red bird | at the bars of Hel.
44. Now Garm howls loud | before Gnipahellir,
The fetters will burst, | and the wolf run free;
Much do I know, | and more can see
Of the fate of the gods, | the mighty in fight.
45. Brothers shall fight | and fell each other,
And sisters' sons | shall kinship stain;
Hard is it on earth, | with mighty whoredom;
Axe-time, sword-time, | shields are sundered,
Wind-time, wolf-time, | ere the world falls;
Nor ever shall men | each other spare.
[41. In the third line many editors omit the comma after "sun,"
and put one after "soon," making the two lines run: "Dark grows
the sun | in summer soon, / Mighty storms--" etc. Either phenomenon
in summer would be sufficiently striking.
42. In the Hauksbok version stanzas 42 and 43 stand between stanzas 44
and 38. Eggther: this giant, who seems to be the watchman of the giants,
as Heimdall is that of the gods and Surt of the dwellers in the fire-world,
is not mentioned elsewhere in {footnote p. 19} the poems. Fjalar, the cock
whose crowing wakes the giants for the final struggle.
43. Gollinkambi ("Gold-Comb"): the cock who wakes the gods and heroes, as Fjalar
does the giants. The rust-red bird: the name of this bird, who wakes the people of
Hel's domain, is nowhere stated.
44. This is a refrain-stanza. In Regius it appears in full only at this point, but is
repeated in abbreviated form before stanzas 50 and 59. In the Hauksbok version the full
stanza comes first between stanzas 35 and 42, then, in abbreviated form, it occurs four
times: before stanzas 45, 50, 55, and 59. In the Hauksbok line 3 runs: "Farther I see and
more can say." Garm: the dog who guards the gates of Hel's kingdom; cf. Baldrs Draumar, 2 ff.,
and Grimnismol, 44. Gniparhellir ("the Cliff-Cave"): the entrance to the world of the dead. The
wolf: Fenrir; cf. stanza 39 and note.
45. From this point on through stanza 57 the poem is quoted by Snorri, stanza 49 alone being omitted.
There has been much discussion as to the status of stanza 45. Lines 4 and 5 look like an interpolation.
After line 5 the Hauksbok has a line running: "The world resounds, the witch is flying." Editors have
arranged these seven lines in various ways, with lacunae freely indicated. Sisters' sons: in all Germanic
countries the relations between uncle and nephew were felt to be particularly close.]


41. Fyllisk fjörvi feigra manna,
rýđr ragna sjöt rauđum dreyra;
svört verđa sólskin um sumur eftir,
veđr öll válynd. Vituđ ér enn - eđa hvat?
42. Sat ţar á haugi ok sló hörpu
gýgjar hirđir, glađr Eggţér;
gól of hánum í galgviđi
fagrrauđr hani, sá er Fjalarr heitir.
43. Gól of ásum Gullinkambi,
sá vekr hölđa at Herjaföđrs;
en annarr gelr fyr jörđ neđan
sótrauđr hani at sölum Heljar.
44. Geyr nú Garmr mjök fyr Gnipahelli,
festr mun slitna, en freki renna;
fjölđ veit ek frćđa, fram sé ek lengra
um ragna rök römm sigtíva.
45. Brćđr munu berjask ok at bönum verđask,
munu systrungar sifjum spilla;
hart er í heimi, hórdómr mikill,
skeggöld, skalmöld, skildir ro klofnir,
vindöld, vargöld, áđr veröld steypisk;
mun engi mađr öđrum ţyrma.